Creamy content
TGT is the leading cheese producer in Spain, with 17 branches across the country and a dozen factories. TGT is associated with DOP cheese and produces the widest range in Spain: Manchego, Roncal, Idiazabal, fresh cheese from Murcia, Tetilla, Cabrales, and Mahón.
As a B2B brand aiming to transition to B2C, it entered a scenario where it had no digital presence and was largely unknown to consumers. We were tasked with designing the digital strategy, creating their new website, developing a branded content strategy, and launching their Instagram account from scratch, which quickly became the hub of their cheese-loving community.
Here's how we devised, designed, and executed a content plan focused on acquiring traffic and engaging their community, both on the website and social media.
Whether you've already eaten or not, here are the creamiest contents you've ever seen.