Radical research to engage customers and disrupt markets

Do you know who the users really are?
Users almost always know what they want but rarely know how to describe it. Because they don’t really know themselves. At Fail Fast, we ask good questions to have good answers. Our mission is to better know and understand users. We get key insights that accelerate innovation. We give a voice to users to know their behaviors and emotions. To gather key data that would be impossible without them. To know their problems and obtain the necessary information to direct your brand, product or services.
Discover users’ huge enigma with Fail Fast research services
A very clear example: Henry Ford, considered one of the innovation geniuses is credited with this quote, “if I had asked what the people wanted, they would have told me faster horses”. We simply disagree with this statement. If Henry Ford had asked the users what they wanted, they would have answered “a faster way to move” or “faster transport”. They would hardly have answered “a combustion engine”. At Fail Fast, we don’t have any famous quote yet but we always align the user needs with your business goals. Both are essential in making decisions and designing your customer experiences.
Fail Fast UX Research adapts to the nature of each project.
This does not mean that we design for technology or business strategists. We design for what users of a digital product or service need. To investigate the users, we differentiate between User Research and Usability Testing. In our User Research phases, we get to know and empathize with users. During Usability Testing, we evaluate the ease and understanding of a product or service.
Fail Fast Usability Testing services: Lab test, usability test, think out loud, Guerrilla Test, Retrospective, remote usability test, eye tracking, click testing, timeout testing.
Fail Fast User Research services: User interviews, field studies, focus group, card sorting, benchmarking, personas, customer journey.
Rethink your customer experience with Service Design Workshops
At Fail Fast we set up service design workshops. Practical exercises adapted to your needs to transform from a functionality to your company’s culture. Always with a user-centered mentality for new opportunities. And always, with a happy ending. Fail Fast service design workshops involve all departments and business areas to better understand the users journey and build memorable experiences. Fail Fast service design workshops are the most effective way to meet your needs and those of your clients.

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