How to Detoxify the Internet in 5 steps

Good practices in digital product design but better practices in our own lifestyles
Recognize the truth, you’re addicted to digital serotonin. The pleasant feeling that hits your hypothalamus every time you receive a like or a comment. The truth is that it seems to be as addictive as sugar and companies don’t hesitate for a second to use it to get your attention. From a red dot that tells you messages to read to micro-interactions that make a “delicious” experience like Candy Crush. For this reason, as a digital experience agency, we believe that it is worth defining our own offline manifesto and stop using dark patterns that encourage users’ addiction.
Hello, my name is Marlon Random and I am addicted to the Internet.
In our offline manifesto, we combine good practices in digital product design and services with even better practices in our own lifestyles. At Fail Fast, we create digital experiences with creative offline processes. Because we know that inspiration comes from online and offline experiences. We constantly are exploring new paths of inspiration outside the office, like doing co-creation in unexpected places to immersing yourself in challenges and opportunities in other ways or spaces.
There goes our Offline Manifesto!

New routines to find really disruptive ideas
- The airplane mode is the new Nirvana
Get used to disconnecting a few hours before going to sleep and try to do something before looking at the phone in the morning. Somebody turns off the phone from dinner to breakfast. At work, give yourself two hours of disconnection and you will see your productivity increase exponentially.
If you want to stop salivating each “ping” or vibration, we recommend that you configure your notifications to silent.
- Limit application use time
Android and iOS already allow you to limit the daily time to devote to each app. Don’t miss our article about The 5 Best Apps to Go Offline!
Calculate the average you are currently using and set a limited time. In this way, you won’t have spikes and you will gradually lower your digital use.
- Stop looking for inspiration on Google or Behance
Go back to the library. Look for art exhibitions or museums. Photograph people and places around your city. Organize a dinner or meetup about the topic you want to explore.
If you stop looking for information in the same way that all global digital agencies, you may find really disruptive ideas. Find new ways to get inspired.
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