¡Nuevo Fracaso®️ en Madrid!
Te esperamos el 20 de junio en la Sala Equis de Madrid para el tercer episodio de la tercera temporada de Fracaso®️, donde nos adentraremos en el fascinante (y desafiante) mundo de los Design Systems de la mano de Marta Conde.
Fracaso®️ con Marta Conde
Nuestra invitada, que cuenta con una larga trayectoria, compartirá sus experiencias más desafiantes y los aprendizajes que ha obtenido en el camino. Desde lidiar con imprevistos hasta superar la resistencia al cambio, Marta Conde nos mostrará cómo promover la adopción de los Design Systems sin morir en el intento, convirtiendo los fracasos en oportunidades de crecimiento.
¡Acompáñanos en la icónica Sala Equis y descubre cómo conquistar el mundo de los Design System!
Todos los detalles:
📆 20 de junio 🕡 19.00h. (acceso a las 18.30h)
📍 Sala Equis (C. del Duque de Alba, 4, 28012 Madrid)
🎟️ Entrada gratuita previo registro
¡Plazas limitadas!
Charlas sobre diseño e innovación
Sumérgete en la cultura de Fracaso®️, charlas sobre diseño e innovación donde los mejores creativos nos comparten sus mierdas para que tú no tengas que pisarlas.
Nuestras charlas Fracaso® tienen lugar entre Barcelona y Madrid y en ellas invitamos a profesionales de éxito a que nos cuenten su visión y experiencias desde la perspectiva buscando inspirar y compartir experiencias entre profesionales y estudiantes del mundo creativo.
Las charlas son gratuitas y están acompañadas de música, cervezas y vino. Una forma distinta de conectar con creadoras, diseñadoras, creativas y artistas en un espacio sugerente.
¿Qué te espera en Fracaso®️?
- Descubre las claves del éxito de cracks del sector
- Sumérgete en la cultura del fracaso como elemento de innovación
- Conoce a otros diseñadores y creativos
- Comparte experiencias y crece como profesional
¿Quieres ver de qué va esto? Apúntate a nuestro siguiente Fracaso®️. ¡Es gratis!
Marta Conde, an expert in recruiting ambassadors for Design Systems and a LinkedIn Top Voice, was the star guest of the third episode of the third season of Fracaso®️, held on June 20th at Sala Equis in Madrid. During her talk, Marta shared experiences, advice, and a few entertaining anecdotes about her professional journey and the challenges she has faced.
The importance of self-promotion
Marta began her talk with a strong piece of advice: 'If you don't sell yourself in what you want to dedicate yourself to, you won't achieve it.’ She emphasized the importance of self-promotion and having confidence in oneself to reach professional goals. But beware, haste is not a good advisor: ‘Do things calmly, rushing won't get you there faster’, she reminded us, highlighting the importance of patience and tranquility on the path to success.
The reality of Design Systems: collecting, not creating
One of Marta's most notable reflections was on the nature of Design Systems (DS). ‘We don't create, we collect what other people are creating’, she said, demystifying the idea that DS are entirely original inventions. Instead of reinventing the wheel, it's about adapting and structuring what already exists to improve efficiency and communication within companies.
“Design Systems are not about creating but adapting and structuring what already exists”
Connecting for collaboration: the key to team success
Connecting with others is vital, especially in times of remote work. She emphasized the need to open spaces for collaboration, like Slack, where everyone can communicate freely. ’Ask for allies to support you in collaboration spaces’, she advised, highlighting the importance of having support within the team.
The expert then jumped into highlighting the different types of ambassadors needed for a successful DS. These are:
- Influencers: Those who have a large network and can promote the DS.
- Analyzers: Experts in evaluating and improving the system.
- Educators: Responsible for training others on the DS.
- Connectors: Facilitate communication between different stakeholders.
- Creators: Generate new content and components for the DS.
- Coordinators: Manage and organize the DS work.
Reflections and upcoming challenges
Our guest left us with several valuable reflections and pieces of advice: ‘Never let them see you doubt that what you are going to do will have a great impact’, and ‘it's very interesting to allow creative challenges to break our own limits’. She encouraged us to be proactive and always seek the positive path, even when things don't go as expected.
With this inspiring talk from Marta Conde, we close the last episode of Fracaso®️ before the summer break. We’ll see you soon with more stories of glorious failures and unforgettable lessons. Until then, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Linkedin!
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