Daily Toast

Control your stand-up meetings with Daily Toast
Many of the projects we carry out are based on lean UX and Agile. Within the many agile rituals we do, daily meetings are essential to coordinate the development team, the product design team and the business team.
When we work in small teams, conducting stand-up meetings does not tend to go too far in time. But in large teams, and if we add the current scenario, where we work remotely due to the COVID-19, meetings can be excessively long and cause the participants to find them a waste of time.
Many online timers already exist on the market, but most are purely functional. They do not have one of the layers that obsesses us most as UX designers, the emotional and visceral layer that we can take advantage of to create engagement with users.
Daily Toast is a free online timer. It is simple and fun. It allows you to take control of stand-up meetings and helps participants learn and improve meeting after meeting. You can use it for daily remote meetings or face-to-face sessions on your mobile. Below we explain how we have created it from within Fail Fast.
Daily Toast is the scrummiest online timer ever
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